Lewis Carroll once said, “What is the use of a book without pictures or conversation?”

Kid readers see and hear and feel everything with the sharpness that hasn't yet had the edges buffed or smoothed. So it is our job to make them see and hear and feel every
last bit of our story. We have to
provide the pictures and conversation.
We have to drop those kids into our book from the first page, from the
first sentence, or they are going to turn around and leave. Remember, we’re not there to teach;
we’re there to entertain.
They need an equal amount of action, description, and
dialogue. Not one word should be
there that doesn’t drive the story forward. Give them something to wonder about on the first page. Give them someone to worry about or
cheer for.
Novelist Andre Gide said, “The poor novelist constructs his characters; he controls them and makes
them speak. The true novelist
listens to them and watches them function; he eavesdrops on them even before he
knows them.”
So today, go do a little eavesdropping. Watch, listen, and wonder. Color a few pictures.
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